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AF | BCMR | CY2010 | BC-2010-01939 ADDENDUM
Original file (BC-2010-01939 ADDENDUM.txt) Auto-classification: Approved













1. His SF Form 88, Report of Medical Examination, dated 
24 November 1987, be amended to reflect the following: 


 A. Item 21, Mouth and Throat – Abnormal rather than Normal. 


 Add the following notes regarding Item 21: 


 21a. 16 and 17 missing – extracted February 1972. 


 21b. 1-15 - extracted replaced by dentures September 


 B. Item 44, Dental – missing teeth: bottom 17, 31 and 32. 


 Add the following note regarding Item 44: 


 Replaced by Dentures 1-16. 


2. His SF Form 93, Report of Medical History, dated 24 November 
1987, be amended in Item 25, Physician’s summary, and elaboration 
of all pertinent data to reflect the following notes: 


 Dental - Abnormal rather than Normal. 


 Missing teeth – 17, 31 and 32 extracted. 


 Replaced by Dentures 1-16. 






On 3 March 2011, the Board considered and partially approved the 
applicant’s appeal. For an accounting of the facts and 
circumstances surrounding the applicant’s appeal and the 
rationale of the earlier decision by the Board, see the Record of 
Proceedings, with attachments, at Exhibit F. 


In an application to the Board dated 7 November 2011, the 
applicant requests reconsideration. He states his original 
request was partially approved because of the absence of active 

duty dental records. He has provided dental records to 
substantiate his claim. 


The applicant’s complete submission, with attachments, is at 
Exhibit G. 






AFMOA/SGDD recommends partial approval. They state that based on 
review of the dental records provided the following entries 
should be amended and notes added to the SF Form 88 and SF Form 
93 dated 24 November 1987: 


 a. SF Form 88, Clinical Evaluation: Item #21: No changes 
from a dental perspective; this item is part of the medical 
provider’s evaluation and not the dental provider. If the 
applicant is seeking a change, the medical record should be 


 b. SF Form 88, Dental Section, Item #44: Please chart all 
maxillary teeth as missing and replaced by complete maxillary 
denture, add note - maxillary denture completed September 1982. 
Also chart on mandibular arch missing teeth 17, 31, and 32. 


 c. SF Form 93, Item 25, add note all maxillary teeth missing 
1-16, replaced by complete denture. Missing mandibular teeth 17, 
31, and 32. 


The SGDD complete evaluation is at Exhibit H. 






On 10 February 2012, a copy of the Air Force evaluation was 
forwarded to the applicant for review and response within 30 days 
(Exhibit I). As of this date, no response has been received by 
this office. 






AFMOA/SGH recommends partial approval. They state that based on 
review of the medical and dental documentation provided the 
following entries should be amended and notes added to the 
SF88 and SF93 dated 24 November 1987: 


 a. SF Form 88, Clinical Evaluation: Item #21: No change 
recommended. Edentulous areas (missing teeth) brought about by 
dental extractions are not considered abnormal findings. 


 b. SF Form 88, Dental Section, Item #44: Please chart all 
maxillary teeth as missing and replaced by complete maxillary 
denture, add “Note: Maxillary denture completed September 1982. 
Also chart on mandibular arch missing teeth 17, 31, and 32. 


 c. SF Form 93, Item 25, add note all maxillary teeth missing 
1-16, replaced by complete denture. Missing mandibular teeth 17, 
31, and 32. 


The SGH complete evaluation is at Exhibit J. 






On 20 March 2013, a copy of the Air Force evaluation was 
forwarded to the applicant for review and response within 30 days 
(Exhibit K). As of this date, no response has been received by 
this office. 






1. The applicant has exhausted all remedies provided by existing 
law or regulations. 


2. The application was not timely filed; however, it is in the 
interest of justice to excuse the failure to timely file. 


3. Sufficient relevant evidence has been presented to 
demonstrate the existence of an error or injustice warranting 
partial relief. We note that based on the medical and dental 
documentation provided by the applicant AFMOA/SGDD and AFMOA/SGH 
recommend approval of his requests with the exception of item #21 
of the SF Form 88, as edentulous areas brought about by dental 
extractions and are not considered abnormal findings. We agree 
with their assessment and recommend his records be corrected to 
the extent indicated below. 






The pertinent military records of the Department of the Air Force 
relating to APPLICANT, be corrected to show that: 


 a. The Standard Form 88, Report of Medical Examination, 
dated 24 November 1987, be amended in Item 44, Dental, to 
include, “Chart all maxillary teeth as missing and replaced by 
complete maxillary denture. Chart on mandibular arch missing 
teeth 17, 31 and 32. Maxillary denture completed September 1982.” 


 b. The Standard Form 93, Report of Medical History, dated 
24 November 1987, be amended in Item 25, Physician’s summary and 

elaboration of all pertinent data, to include: All maxillary 
teeth missing 1-16, replaced by complete denture. Missing 
mandibular teeth 17, 31 and 32.” 




The following members of the Board considered AFBCMR Docket 
Number BC-2010-01939 in Executive Session on 30 May 2013, under 
the provisions of AFI 36-2603: 



All members voted to correct the records, as recommended. The 
following documentary evidence pertaining to AFBCMR Docket Number 
BC-2010-01939 was considered: 


 Exhibit F. Record of Proceedings, dated 25 March 2011, 


 Exhibit G. DD Form 149, dated 7 November 2011, w/atchs. 

 Exhibit H. Letter, AFMOA/SGDD, dated 20 January 2012. 

 Exhibit I. Letter, SAF/MRBR, dated 10 February 2012. 

 Exhibit J. Letter, AFMOA/SGH, dated 15 February 2013. 

 Exhibit K. Email, SAF/MRBR, dated 20 March 2013. 



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